Although writing and selling articles is
a lucrative way to make money online, you will make far more money if you use
your articles for promotion. Unlike selling articles for
pay, where you receive a set amount for the articles, with promotional articles
you can make as much money as you want. Your articles become
passive marketing machines, and if you recycle your content into documents,
videos, audios, and other content, you can stretch your
marketing even further with very little additional work. Here's how to get
started promoting your articles for more traffic:
1. Post your articles to the top
It's the 80/20 rule at work: you will
get the most traffic from the to article directories, so this should be your
first stop in marketing your articles. The more you submit, the
more chances at traffic you will get. Use the data you get from these sites to
tell you which articles are performing best and then
write and submit more of this content to these sites. Also, some of these sites
only accept unique articles so make sure you know which
ones these are and submit the appropriate content.
2. Write for promotion instead of for
I've already mentioned this, but I want
to mention it again: writing for promotion takes the limit off the amount of
income you can earn from an article. If you write articles
to sell, there is a limit to the amount you can make because you are either
selling these articles to customers, or you're selling to publications.
Take the limits off and use them for promotion.
3. Recycle your content.
You can get far more from your content
by converting it to different formats. This includes audio, video, documents,
and slides. Look for different ways to recycle your content
and then submit to the appropriate sites so that you get more from it. This
also creates additional passive marketing machines for your
business. What could be better than that?
4. Write articles as blog posts and
guest blog.
There are two ways you can do this.
First, you can write an original article for guest blogging. Your article
should be at least 300 - 400 words, but you want to make sure that it
conforms to the site you want to submit to. Second, consider rewriting your article
and then submitting it.
5. Use revenue sharing sites.
Sites like Helium and Yahoo Contributor
Network allow you to make money from your articles. You can get one time
payments plus revenue sharing or just revenue sharing.
Whichever one you choose, make sure you write the appropriate content and then
submit it. Make it your best.
Give them what they want. Learn from
your failures here, and you'll get more traffic and more sales quickly because
your content will get accepted more easily.
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